Epigenetic germline inheritance: Effects of chronic, acute and internal stress. Katharina Gapp - 21/06/2019
21 Giugno 2019, ore 11.00
Katharina Gapp (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge)
"Epigenetic germline inheritance: Effects of chronic, acute and internal stress"
Chronic and acute stress are major risk factors for the development of neuropsychiatric disorders later in life and sometimes effects even extend across generations. Modelling such scenario in mice has revealed a complex pattern of epigenetic alterations affecting the entire organism. It is started to unravel some mechanistic underpinnings and newly found potential implications for human neuro-developmental disease.
CNR Seminar Room
(EMBL Rome, Adriano Buzzati-Traverso Campus, Via Ramarini 32, 00015 Monterotondo, Italy)