Alexandra Battaglia-Mayer

University position
Professore ordinarioInterests
Alexandra Battaglia-Mayer is Full Professor of Physiology, at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology of University of Rome, SAPIENZA. She gained her PhD in Behavioural Neurophysiology at University of Rome, SAPIENZA (2000), after obtaining her Laurea Degree in Mathematics at the same University. She worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at the Brain Science Center, University of Minnesota, with Prof. A. Georgopoulos, focusing on the neural bases of higher order motor functions in the macaque monkeys.Using combination of behavioral, neurophysiological, and neuroanatomical methods her research aims at understanding the cognitive-motor function of the parietal and frontal cortex. Her interest has been focused on the neurobiological basis of cortical control of movement, with particular emphasis on the neural mechanisms of eye-hand coordination, on-line control of movement, and specification of the dynamic force underlying hand-object interaction.More recently her research interests has been extended to social cognition, through the study of the neural basis of motor coordination during different forms of joint-action between interacting agents.