Stefano Ferraina

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EDUCATION:• 1990 MD – ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome• 1990-1995. Residency in Neurology. Ancona University (Italy)• 2000 PhD Neurophysiology - ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. APPOINTMENTS:1991-1993: Post Doctoral Student - Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris VI, France.1993-1997: Fellow in Neurophysiology – ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome.1998-2000: Assistant Professor ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome.1998-1999: Visiting Scientist. Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research. NEI/NIH Bethesda USA2000-2005: Associate Professor of Neurophysiology. ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. School of Medicine2005-present: Full Professor of Neurophysiology. ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. School of Medicine. MEMBERSHIPSAmerican Society for NeuroscienceEuropean Society for NeuroscienceNeural Control of Movement Society. RESEARCH INTERESTS:• Systems Neuroscience• Behavioural neurophysiology• Neural correlates of visuomotor transformations for eye and arm movements• Cortical representation of visual three-dimensional space• Brain Computer Interfaces• Neural bases of decision processes.• Population neural dinamics. TEACHING:Since 1999: Teaching Neurophysiology for the Human Physiology course in the Medical School and System Neurophysiology for the master degree in Neurobiology at Sapienza. Supervision and tutoring for thesis preparation of about 30 undergraduate studentsSince 2001: Teaching and tutoring of students in the PhD program in Behavioral Neurophysiology at the University ‘La Sapienza’. Total number of PhD students supervised: 14Participation as external member to the PhD Committee of international universities:- Leuven University (Leuven - Belgium)- Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris – France)- University of Crete (Grete – Greece)- University of Aalborg (Denmark). AREA OF EXPERTISE: basic and clinical neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, neural bases of visuomotor transformations, single unit activity, multiunit activity and local field potential recording in behaving monkeys, neural population decoding, neuropsychology. He received a Marie Curie Award and a Human Frontier Scientific Program award. Associate Editor for Frontiers in Neuroscience and PeerJ. Academic editor for F1000. Referee for Science, Nature Review Neurosci, J. Neurosci, Cerebral Cortex, J. Neurophysiol., Exp. Brain Res., Neuroscience. Ad Hoc grant reviewing: National Science Foundation (USA), Human Frontier Science Program, French National Research Agency, MIUR (Italy), Telethon grant Agency (Italy), Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Belgium); Austrian Science Fund (FWF).To date, SF pubblications have more than 3500 citations H index = 28 (Scopus). Recently he acted as deputy coordinator for the FP7 financed project BRAINLEAP. Since 2017 is acting as 'Coordinator' for the PhD Program in Behavioral Neuroscience.