May 20-25, 2019, Erice, Sicily, ITALY Workshop Organizers: Paola Palanza, PhD (Università di Parma), Margaret M McCarthy, PhD (University of Maryland), Stefano Parmigiani (Università di Parma) Purpose of the Workshop The overall purpose of the Workshop is to explore the extent to which sex differences affect brain and behavior, contribute to vulnerability to disease and how cultural and societal roles intersect with the biological basis of sex. The workshop will focus on several topic areas to increase our understanding of the mechanisms by which sex and gender, in animal models and people, respectively, influence health and disease. The format will involve talks by international renowned scientists, who have been engaged in research comprising multidisciplinary approaches from sexual selection to epigenetic mechanisms, from behavior to gender medicine, from biology to culture. All speakers are prepared to discuss how their research relates to concepts arising from the other disciplines to facilitate a highly interdisciplinary and interactive workshop for all the partecipants. Workshop Topics - Sexual Selection Theory and Evolution - Comparative studies of male and female strategies - Mechanisms of sex differentiation - Sex specific outcomes - Differential impact of disease - Gender medicine - Consequences for Society, Culture, Religion