
Final paper submission is done via EDAS after the registration process is finished.

Before uploading:

  • Carefully take the review suggestions into account and improve your paper. 
  • Sign the eCopyright using the link at the EDAS page of your paper.
  • Go to IEEE PDF eXpress website.
  • Create an IEEE PDF eXpress account (use conference ID: 47743X) . Use 'new user' if you have not used this site before.
  • Use IEEE PDF eXpress to check if your PDF file is Xplore-compliant and finally convert your source files into an IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF file (e.g., for LaTeX users, create a *.ZIP file that includes *.DVI and your *.EPS figure files altogether, and then upload the *.ZIP file for the system to convert into a compliant PDF file; for Word users, upload the Word file and let it convert and return a compliant PDF file).
  • Upload the PDF validated by PDF eXpress via the EDAS page of your paper before the camera ready deadline.

Note that invitation letters for Visa applications will be available through EDAS for authors.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma