About us
The Sapienza School for Advanced Studies (SSAS) offers to students enrolled in a standard Sapienza study programme (Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Single Cycle Master Degree, PhD) complementary high-qualification programmes, which integrate the standard Sapienza programme with advanced disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses and activities.
The School promotes excellence in training and research, with the full collaboration of students well motivated and engaged in an innovative and competitive academic programme, aimed at stimulating their critical spirit and the attitude to face complexity of knowledge and society.
The purpose of the School is to cultivate talents and develop the skills and potential of the students in a context of coexistence, dialogue and collaboration. The sharing of the residence and the ease of interaction with the professors, supervisors and tutors favour a continuous exchange of different skills, experiences and interests, boosting individual growth in harmony with that of the entire School community. The tutoring activity represents a key element of the School: the tutor is the reference point for each student; her/his continuous presence favours the consolidation of a special and unique relationship, which feeds a profitable intellectual exchange for both.
Students, in varying number each academic year, are selected through a highly competitive admission test exclusively on the basis of their merit. They benefit from full exemption from university tuition fees, free-of-charge residence, and from a possible additional scholarship.
The School, which benefits from the wealth of skills, facilities and laboratories of the largest university in Europe, is characterized by a deep intertwining of teaching and research, and promotes wide international exchanges.
The School offers programmes, at each level of university education (Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Single Cycle Master Degree, PhD), on four Academic Classes:
Social sciences
Life sciences
Science and technology
At the end of each programme, Students have the chance to defend a Final thesis and obtain a Diploma issued by Sapienza, in addition to the Diploma degree related to the standard Sapienza study programme.
The Sapienza School for Advanced Studies was established in 2011 and it is part of the network of University Higher Schools. Some of these schools are autonomous, others are hosted by an University, and together they constitute a qualifying element of the Italian university system.