Bando 124/2017 - ANNULLATO - Studio sperimentale e teorico della dinamica collettiva in sistemi biologici di materia attiva

Data di aggiornamento: 25/06/2018 - 21:59
Tipologia bando: 
Assegni di ricerca
Codice bando: 
Bando 124/2017

The aim of the proposed research consists in studying the properties of the collective dynamics in systems of living active matter. More precisely, we will consider cell colonies of mesenchymal stem cells undergoing growth and migration. Starting from experimental data the project’s objectives are: i) to statistically analyze the data, using tracking techniques and optical flow methods, and to build the velocity field in the colony; ii) to study the collective properties of the properties using a statistical physics approach; iii) to develop models of collective motion. Finally, one wants to compare the observed behavior at the microscale, to collective movements occurring at the macroscopic scale in other systems (flocks and swarms) – to also be characterized from data using 3D tracking. 

Data pubblicazione: 
Mar, 19/12/2017
Data scadenza: 
Gio, 18/01/2018
decreto approvazione atti: 
© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002