Silhouettes of people exchanging ideas

Third mission


In the academic world, it is increasingly important to promote models of sustainability and accountability .

A first significant step in this direction stems from considering universities as actors in their territory, capable of interacting profitably with the productive fabric and civil society, imagining new trajectories for teaching and even more so for research.

This means developing a vision of the university's third mission, understood as a willingness to foster the application, valorisation, dissemination and transfer of knowledge, knowledge and technologies to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of society.

Sapienza does all this by stimulating international planning, launching development programmes at local and national level in collaboration with local authorities and ministries, initiating agreements and collaborations with companies to bring research products to the market through technology transfer actions, supporting the creation of spin-offs and start-ups, opening the doors of the university museum centre to citizens and involving them in cultural and science education activities.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma