Where we are

The Herbarium of Sapienza University is located in the University Campus on the second floor of the Botany Building, which belongs to the Department of Environmental Biology. Outside the building, near the main entrance, there is a signpost indicating the presence of the Herbarium, while inside the structure there are information panels that show the path to reach it. Most of the collections are housed in two rooms, air-conditioned and kept at a constant temperature of 16° C and relative humidity of 35%. Two other smaller rooms are a part of the Museum structure: one, located at the entrance of the Museum, is used both for consulting the Herbarium material and staff’s activities; while the other, connecting the collections, is reserved for the Library, the Archive and the digital reproduction of the specimens. In addition, on the ground floor of the building, the Herbarium has a laboratory dedicated to the desiccation of plants and the preparation of newly acquired materials.



© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma