Immagine di studenti che svolgono esercitazione pratica su Scena del crimine simulata

Practical experience 2021-2022

Immagine di studenti che svolgono esercitazione pratica su Scena del crimine simulata

As every year, students were able to practice on a Crime Scene (post-terrorist scenario with improvised explosive device) faithfully reconstructed. The exercise includes two fundamental components:

1) Team work management. This aspect concerns the application of international standards on the management of the crime scene from the organization of roles to the protection of spaces and evidence found. The competences learned shall be exercised at all stages of the on-site inspection, including the first vital stages of the chain of evidence custody.

2) The use of essential technical tools, e.g.: fingerprint detection powders, forensic lights, latest generation tools for 3D reconstruction of SC etc.

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