Public engagement activities

The public engagement activities that the Department has carried out over the years have been multiple and aimed at integrating scientific objectives with social ones. Some of our professors carry out scientific dissemination activities also through the numerous national mass media.

  • Doctors specializing in Pediatrics work with "Doctors of Africa Cuamm" in the context of the Italian Development Cooperation, implementing a project to strengthen the health response to the main endemics.
  • Training courses: Organization of training courses for doctors, nurses and other health professionals in the field of maternity and childhood, in order to improve the skills and quality of the assistance provided.
  • Awareness campaigns: Promotion of awareness campaigns for maternal and child health, through the dissemination of information on topics such as breastfeeding, the prevention of childhood diseases and vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.
  • Research programmes: Development of research programs to deepen knowledge on issues related to maternity and specialist paediatrics, in order to develop new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive strategies.
  • Counseling Services: Providing counseling and support services to families in the areas of maternity and specialist pediatrics, including pre-conception counseling, genetic counseling and child development counseling.
  • Participation in conferences and congresses: Active involvement of Department members in conferences, congresses and other scientific events to present their research and share knowledge with the scientific community.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaborations: Collaborate with other departments and institutions to advance interdisciplinary approaches in maternal and child care and research.
  • Educational support: Provision of educational support to expectant mothers and families, through information meetings, prenatal education sessions and advice on newborn and young child care.
  • Quality improvement projects: Participation in projects aimed at improving the quality of mother-child care services and specialist pediatrics, through the implementation of guidelines and protocols based on scientific evidence.
  • Professors of the Department are often collaborators of non-profit associations for patients, carrying out a consultancy and training activity for families and patients. Among the many activities in the area, the Neonatology Unit stands out, which has developed a parenting support service and which sees the collaboration of paediatricians, psychologists, physiotherapists and specialists in the neuromotor and behavioral development of preterm births. Some non-profit organizations that support the Department:
    • Onlus “Il Bambino in Emergenza”
    • Onlus “Mariposa per i celiaci ODV”
    • Onlus “La magia di un sorriso”
    • Onlus “Eco per la vita”
    • Onlus “ Io, domani”
    • Onlus “ Mary Poppins”
  • Collaboration with the JuniOrchestra of Santa Cecilia to raise funds for the Pediatric Emergency Department for the acquisition of high-tech equipment and scholarships for young pediatric specialists.
  • Exchange programs with the Fundación Universitaria Navarra - UNINAVARRA Neiva Colombia within the framework agreement for cultural and scientific collaboration between Sapienza and Uni Navarra (Colombia).

In addition, multiple initiatives have been developed as part of the Public Engagement Activity:

  • Sapienza Salute (Professors of the department who have joined the initiative, create a "time bank", placing their skills at the service of the entire University community outside of service hours).
  • Collaboration with associations of women affected by endometriosis: collaborations and meetings (ALICE, Ape Onlus).
  • Collaboration with the associations of women affected by ovarian cancer (abracadabra).
  • Collaboration with Anaids for the prevention of STDs in adolescents.
  • Steering Committee of the Project "Analysis of the activities of the Network of Family Counselors" for a re-evaluation of their role also with reference to problems relating to endometriosis promoted and financed by the Ministry of Health/CCM and coordinated by the National Center for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CNaPPS) of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS).
  • Organization of events for the prevention of pathology of the uterine cervix.
  • Webinar on Wednesdays of the Italian Society of Pediatrics.
  • Information days on prevention for the population affected by the BRCA 1-2 mutation.
  • Seminars on gender-based violence at the Faculty of Law and for Sapienza in Movimento.
  • Red Shoes at Sapienza: seminars on gender violence.
  • Psychophysical Promotion Day March 8, 2023 organized by Sapienza in Movimento.
  • World Asthma Day.
  • In collaboration with SIU (Società Italiana Urologia), information days have been developed for the population at a regional level, with the availability of our urology facility in outpatient clinics or in urban locations in Rome, to raise awareness of pathologies of urological interest, prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract stones and prostate cancer.
  • Training courses involving general practitioners to collaborate in raising awareness and early diagnosis of prostate diseases.
  • Collaboration with the "dunfiato" project promoted by "FederAsma e Allergie - Italian Patient Federation" for a communication campaign aimed at young people on asthma.

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