


Library of the Department of Maternal Childhood and Urological Sciences - Paediatrics Branch

Library Director Doriana Tomaselli

Location Viale Regina Elena, 324

Contacts Tel. 06 49979262 - Fax 06 49979263

E-mail -

Opening hours and useful information



Library of the Maternal-Childhood and Urological Sciences Department - Gynecology and Obstetrics Branch

Contact Personnel Antonio Firullo

Location Viale Regina Elena, 324

Contacts Tel. 06 49972489 - Fax 06 49972489

E-mail -


Opening hours and useful information



Map of MISU Department Library Locations



The services offered by the Library are described in the pdf file inserted in the Insights section, where you will also find the form to fill in dedicated to the Online Reference Service.


From the Sapienza Library System we receive and make available to users:

The home page of the Sapienza Library System where you can refer to and research all available resources and services (in italian).

In the "IN EVIDENCE" section you can select the following topics:

  • Discover the libraries [all info concerning Sapienza libraries: location, opening hours, services];
  • Consult the Sapienza Libraries Catalogue [all information regarding the holdings of Sapienza libraries, consultation, loan and reference services];
  • Consult the DiscoverySapienza [a search engine that allows you to simultaneously query most of the university's bibliographic resources, whether paper or electronic];
  • Open Access Publishing [information on the new "transformative" agreements, in which the costs paid by institutions, in addition to guaranteeing read access to scientific periodicals, also include those for open access publication (article processing charge, APC) by affiliated authors].


In the 'ELECTRONIC RESOURCES' section, you can select the following topics:

  • Access from home [Info for Sapienza institutional users can also access most of the electronic resources from home using their Sapienza institutional credentials and various Access modes];
  • Information [electronic periodicals, eBooks and databases];
  • List A-Z electronic resources [by title; subject; ISSN and ISBN];
  • Electronic periodicals [search by Publisher or A-Z list];
  • EBooks [search by Publisher or list from A-Z];
  • Databases [search by Publisher or list from A-Z];
  • Trial electronic resources [list of trials (trial periods) activated by Sapienza Libraries to assess user interest in new electronic resources].

In addition, faqs on eBooks are available:


The Library Director
Doriana Tomaselli








© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma