Laboratories for kids
The VOEM Museum offers a series of playful-didactic laboratories in which it is possible to touch and deepen numerous themes of archeology and history. The activities are open to schools and groups of any kind.
The workshops are offered free of charge during the events promoted by the Polo Museale Sapienza and during the Maggio Museale.
Reservations are made for the classes of primary school institutes (for reservations mvoem@uniroma1.it), with a contribution of 40 euros per class for each laboratory requested.
- “Ancient scriptures” for children aged 6 to 12, a workshop that traces the birth of writing, from the cuneiform to the Phoenician alphabet. Reproduce a clay cuneiform tablet with njoi una!
- "Archeology in relief", for children aged 4 to 12, laboratory of reproduction of archaeological reliefs in papier-mâché, to discover the great wall representations of the Near East. Create your own personalized relief!