Reaserch activities
The main purpose of the VOEM Museum is to disseminate the scientific results of Sapienza's archaeological research, offer students a valid training laboratory and start new research paths. Thanks to the constant collaboration with the Archaeological Mission in Mozia and the Sapienza Expetition to Palestine and Jordan, the museum is enriched every year with new acquisitions, materials that are cataloged at the Museum and allow to start new research projects and provide new data to those already active:
A research project active since 2015 is dedicated to the study of the first ceramics with a mineral-petrographic investigation and geochemical characterization of the pottery coming from the sites of Tell es-Sultan / ancient Jericho and Bethlehem, in Palestine, Khirbet al-Batrawy, in Jordan and Motya , in Sicily, in collaboration with the Department of Earth Sciences (Prof.ssa Caterina De Vito and Prof.ssa Laura Medeghini).
Tracking Red Slip is a study focused on the investigation of the composition of engobes of glazed red ceramic widespread in the Mediterranean in the 1st millennium BC, in collaboration with the Department of Earth Sciences (Prof. Laura Medeghini) and with the University of Florence ( Dr. Lucilla Fabrizi).
Since 2017, thanks to the collaboration with the Center for Nanotechnologies Applied to Engineering (CNIS) and with the Department of Earth Sciences (Prof. Caterina De Vito and Dr. Martina Bernabale) of Sapienza, some metal finds from the MVOEM collection they are the subject of archaeometric study and analysis to investigate their metallic composition and production technology.