Teaching Evaluation Observatory

The Teaching Evaluation Observatory is a joint board composed by two teaching members and two students. The two teaching members are nominated by the Nanotechnology Engineering CAD; students are nominated by the president of the Nanotechnology Engineering CAD based on the indications provided by the student body. Teaching members’ term of office lasts three years.

The main tasks of the board are the following ones:

  • Managing a permanent observatory of the teaching activities
  • Guaranteeing the effectiveness of the actions taken by the CAD and the Faculty with respect to the quality of teaching and student services
  • Drafting proposals aimed at the improving the quality of teaching
  • Supporting the Quality Assurance Commission to draft the annual self-evaluation report

All these tasks are carried out through periodical consultations with the board student members. If specifically requested by students, other students may be invited to the meetings in order to get more comprehensive updates about possible criticalities at issue.

Under normal circumstances, presenting and discussing the needs and criticalities is a prerogative of student members which are part of the board. On an exceptional basis, all students can address the board teaching members to discuss any particular issue. Anonymous communications will not be considered by the board.

It is possible to contact the Teaching Evaluation Observatory at the following e-mail address: alessio.tamburrano@uniroma1.it

The current members of the Observatory are:

prof. Alessio TAMBURRANO (alessio.tamburrano@uniroma1.it)
prof. Marco ROSSI (marco.rossi@uniroma1.it)
Enrico FORNITO (rappresentante degli studenti) -  (fornito.1792654@studenti.uniroma1.it(link sends e-mail))
Riccardo MATTIA (rappresentante degli studenti) - (mattia.1805784@studenti.uniroma1.it(link sends e-mail))