
The main research activities carried out in collaboration with graduate students and graduate students are:

design of active and passive systems for nuclear systems and for heat transfer in plants in emergency conditions; feasibility studies of innovative safety components and systems; design of test sections for advanced thermo-hydraulic studies; neutron studies; modeling and simulation of complex plant systems; accident analysis; numerical thermo-fluid dynamics analysis with particular reference to liquid metals and new generation reactors; basic studies on heat transfer mechanisms in conditions of high thermal flows; safety analysis in nuclear fission and fusion plants; studies on the decommissioning of nuclear power plants.

Research is carried out in collaboration with important national and international centers: ENEA (Frascati, Casaccia, Bologna and Brasimone Centers), SOGIN, SCK-CEN (Belgium), CEA and IRSN (France), KIT (Germany), INL and MIT (United States), Univ. Of Kyoto (Japan) where it is possible to carry out part of the thesis work.