- ENEA (CR Bologna, Brasimone, Casaccia e Frascati)
- Idaho National Laboratory (USA)
- S.R.S. Servizi di Ricerche e Sviluppo
- Ansaldo Nucleare
- Bangor University
Below the title of avaiable thesis:
Accident analysis for EU-DEMO using MELCOR for FUSION code
Transient analysis for the ITER WCLL TBM (in collaboration with ENEA Frascati)
Developing and validation of a fuel expansion module for the PHISICS neutronic code (in collaboration with INL, USA)
EU-DEMO RELAP5 transient analysis (in collaboration with ENEA CR Brasimone)
Once Through Steam Generator design and carachterization (in collaboration with ENEA CR Brasimone)
Preliminary numerical test for the experimental plant STEAM (in collaboration with ENEA CR Brasimone)
Development of a new computational model to characterize the chemical interaction between tungsten dust and steam in fusion reactors. External implementation in the MELCOR-FUS code and application to LOCA scenarios
Numerical study of two-phase MHD film flow for liquid metal divertor. Details: 6 - Numerical study of two-phase MHD film flow for liquid metal divertor.pdf
Development of a computational model to characterize the chemical interaction between tungsten dust and steam/air in fusion reactors. External implementation in the MELCOR-FUS code and application to LOCA/LOFA scenarios. Details: 7 - Development of a computational model to characterize the chemical interaction between tungsten dust and steamair in fusion reactors.pdf
Fukushima Daichii unit 4 spent fuel pool accident analysis. Details: 8 - Fukushima Daichii unit 4 spent fuel pool accident analysis.pdf
Application of RELAP5-RAVEN uncertainty methodology on PERSEO experiment. Details: 9 - Application of RELAP5-RAVEN uncertainty methodology on PERSEO experiment.pdf
Versatile Lead-Loop Facility design. Analysis, performance assessment and conceptualization of the heat removal system (in collaboration with CR ENEA Brasimone)
ATHENA large lead loop facility. Primary and secondary system coupling, thermal-hydraulic analysis, system behavior by STH code (in collaboration with CR ENEA Brasimone)
Sviluppo codice di calcolo FEBE per l'analisi meccanica di nocciolo di un reattore veloce (in collaborazione CR ENEA Bologna)
Sviluppo di un algoritmo di ottimizzazione della strategia di refuelling per reattori veloci (in collaborazione CR ENEA Bologna)
Innovative BOP system for lead cooled fast reactor. Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles (in collaboration with CR ENEA Brasimone)
Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis on fuel pin bundle for lead-cooled fast reactor (in collaboration with CR ENEA Brasimone)
Supporting the Primary Heat Exchanger Experimental Programme (in collaboration with SCK-CEN)
MACCS consequencies analysis for an unmitigated accident
Validazione sperimentale di modelli di corrosione per acciai impiegati nell'industria nucleare e simulazione dei prodotti di corrosione attivati in circuiti di refrigerazione di impianti a fusione di tipo tokamak (in collaborazione con RINA-CSM e ENEA Frascati)