L’accessibilità come principio estetico nel campo delle arti performative - Progetto vincitore del Bando di Avvio alle Terze Missioni

Seminari e Workshop

The project is placed in a field of transversal studies, which intertwines the knowledge of the disciplines of performing arts, exhibit and set design with the methodologies of Universal Design.

The interdisciplinary approach aims to address a gap in the performing arts sector with respect to accessible fruition for audiences with specific sensory needs.

The research makes use of the historical-critical survey already started in the context of the doctorate and the research grant "Devices for the performative scene: Accessibility and technological experimentation" of Dr. Flavia Dalila D'Amico and of the skills in the field of Exhibit Design of the Phd student and set designer Dr. Diana Ciufo. To implement the methodological framework is the involvement of the stakeholders: artists with disabilities of the Al.di.Qua.Artists association, bearers of incorporated knowledge

The project envisages an experimental program of seminars and workshops which investigate the concept and strategies of Accessibility from an artistic point of view through two lines of action: one dedicated to the experimentation of a multimedia communication plan which takes into account the heterogeneous and specific audiences with sensory difficulties; the other to the experimentation of accessible strategies such as poetic audio descriptions and tactile reproductions of the sets of the scenes.

Proof of the project are two productive realities of the performing arts with which the proposers already collaborate: Orbita | Spellbound, National Dance Production Center and CSS Permanent theater of innovation of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

At the end of the itinerary, an exhibition and the creation of a multi-sensory editorial project are planned.

Participation in the program allows you to acquire credits valid as "Other training activities/traineeship" eligibility.

To participate, register in the dedicated classroom, code: j34sjyp.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma