Maker Faire 2020

Saperi&Co will also be present this year at the Maker Faire Rome event in the Universities section. The Maker Faire will take place in remote mode from 11 to 13 December and Saperi&Co will present 3 Talks, 1 Workshop and 2 online stands with numerous innovative projects involving undergraduate, postgraduate and graduate students.

Maker Faire 2020 Calendar

December 11th

11 AM -1 PM
Workshop Saperi&Co: two hours to discover the Saperi&Co fablab and its skills and abilities
3 PM- 3:30 PM
Talk by Alberto Ronco on the Trainect project, a platform where you can follow live training and participate in sports challenges with the community
4 PM - 4:30 PM
Talk by Alessandro Oliviero on the StreetApp project, a platform able to put private subjects and street artists in contact
5 PM - 5:30 PM
Talk by the teacher Marco Valente on the ZeoSyntex project, a project on the chemical optimization of natural Zeolite to transform it into drugs to combat Nickel allergy

11- 12 - 13 December

10 AM - 12 PM
Live broadcast of the FIRST STAND Saperi&Co in which 4 projects developed by Sapienza undergraduates and PhD students will be presented:
3D Printed brain aneurysm form CT scan, a project by Vito Chiarella on the scanning and reproduction of aneurysms for a simulation of the interventions
Reconfigurable VSCMG based spacecraft attitude control testbench, a project by Siddharth Deore for the construction of a test bench for the attitude dynamics of a spacecraft
Human Cells and Ultrasounds , a project by Giulia Grisanti on the creation of a support for carrying out cavitation-induced permeability studies in endothelial barrier models
3D printed Chemical and biochemical microreactor , Simone Manetto's project on the construction of a chemical and biochemical microreactor with application in synthesis of bioactive molecules, monitoring of reactions and studies on drug metabolism

11- 12 - 13 December

3 PM - 5 PM
Live broadcast of the SECOND STAND Saperi&Co in which 3 projects developed by the Saperi&Co team will be presented:
Electro-Optical Surgical Forceps , a project followed by Carmen Rotondi and Chiara del Gesso for the development of a patent belonging to Professor Vito D'Andrea for the design of a surgical forceps capable of recognizing anatomical tissues
Sound Matters Toolkit , a project by Giulia Talone on the study of the sound perception of materials
Evolving Matter , a Lorena Trebbi project on material experiments with microbial cellulose


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