Laboratories calendar
Let's find out how to close the gap between researchers and the general public through familiarization with scientific topics, research and experimentation .
For this reason Saperi & amp; Co, the research and wisdom services center of the University of Rome dedicated to digital manufacturing and collaborative work between the various knowledge and disciplines, opens its doors to the little inventors of the future, proposing 2 meetings:
Precious bio-plastic | May 18th & nbsp; (h. 11-13)
What happens to fruit and vegetable scraps? Did you know they can be very useful for all of us? Find out with an activity that allows you to experiment with the possible uses of food waste for the production of bio-plastics, exploring its potential, both from a sensorial point of view and its possible uses. The laboratory, aimed at children and young people aged 3 to 10, will allow us to understand, with the help of researchers, the characteristics of food waste and how to transform it into a resource. By observing and using some samples of bio-plastics, you can know and appreciate their expressive qualities such as color, smell, but also softness and lightness, and compare them with those of plastic.
(edited by designers Sabrina Lucibello, Lorena Trebbi, Chiara del Gesso)
SAPERheroes | 25 May (11am - 1pm and 3pm - 5pm)
What are the 5 pillars of industry 4.0? How do 3d printers work and what can we do with them? Come and discover the fab lab of Sapienza and 3D print your favorite character. Even more super, because it is printed with organic materials, with an activity that allows you to experiment with shapes, techniques and materials of the future, in a sustainable perspective. The workshop is aimed at children aged 6 to 12 and aims to train future inventors and friends of the environment.
Participants will be able to try their hand at developing some prototypes by building their own super hero with Saperi & amp; Co 3d printers and discover the 5 pillars of industry 4.0. We will also provide examples of what digital manufacturing is able to do, also through the use of new materials.
(by materials engineers Francesco Marra and Jacopo Tirilló) < / em>
Participation fee: & nbsp; & euro; 3.00
Info and Registration
To register send an email to & nbsp; saperi_co@uniroma1.it strong> with the subject & quot; Maggio Museale Saperi & amp; Co & quot;, in the body of the email indicate: Name , Surname , Age < / strong> and the Laboratory to which you intend to participate.
A confirmation email will be sent.