Sena Francesco
• 2020/2021: “Dynamic Modeling and Control of Articulated Space Systems” (Advisor: prof. Alessandro De Luca)
• 2019/2020: “Dynamic Habitability: prospettive attorno alle stelle M” (Advisor: prof. Riccardo Claudi)
• 2018/2019: “Droplet Homogeneous Nucleation and Condensation” (Advisor: prof. Carlo Massimo Casciola)
• 2017/2018: “A Flying Inverted Pendulum” (Advisor: prof. Alessandro De Luca)
• Speaker at 31st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Virtual
• Participation at Mare Aperto 22-2 Maritime Exercise on board the Aircraft Carrier Cavour
— Conference Paper: Study on Interplanetary Trajectories towards Uranus and Neptune
— Conference Poster: Mobility of volatile-bearing magmas in oxidised planetesimals: implications for CO2 loss and storage during accretion