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Call for applications for student collaboration activities - 150 hours

Each year the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine offers undergraduate students the opportunity to carry out collaborative activities in its teaching and laboratory facilities in exchange for a study grant of at least € 1,295.00. The number of hours of collaboration required is 150, with a minimum commitment of 2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours per day.

To participate in the selection, it is necessary to be enrolled in the years following the first year. Only students enrolled in a master's degree program are eligible from the first year onward (art. 11 of the Regulations).
Students enrolled up to the first year can also participate in the selection.

Selected students will be tasked with assisting in the operation of specific services in departmental facilities, such as laboratories, integrated teaching facilities (e.g., multimedia classrooms or reading rooms), and carrying out promotional activities of educational offerings as part of orientation-related events.

The application must be submitted electronically only, through the computer system, which you can access with your Infostud credentials (freshman and password).

[February 1st, 2024] A call for applications for student collaboration activity a.y. 2023-2024 has been published on the university's website. Deadline March 1st, 2024

[March 14th, 2024] The PROVISIONAL ranking list of the call for for student collaboration activity has been published on the university website. This ranking list will become DEFINITIVE if no requests for revision are submitted within 5 days from the date of publication.

[March 15th, 2024] Due to a technical problem with the platform that collects applications, the ranking list has been corrected. After 5 days, starting today March 15, this ranking will be made DEFINITIVE if no requests for revision are submitted.

[March 21st, 2024] Due to a formal technical error, the call for grants for collaborative activities has been republished

Go to the announcement on university's website



Students on the ranking list will receive a communication by email (to the university email address) from the office ( in which specific information will be given about the activities to be carried out.
The student must accept the assignment within 5 natural and consecutive days of receiving the email.



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