October 18th 2023: YSI pre-conference 'Innovation and Growth in a Globalized World'

We are delighted to announce the YSI pre-conference for the 64th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association in L’Aquila, titled 'Innovation and Growth in a Globalized World.' This pre-conference is organized by the Department of Economics and Law of Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with the Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) and the Italian Economic Association (SIE). 

The purpose of this pre-conference is to facilitate an exchange among young scholars, providing them with the opportunity to present their research, receive feedback, and strengthen their networks with senior scholars in their field. 

The workshop will consist of four sessions:

  • Session 1: Industrialization and Structural Change
  • Session 2: FDI and Trade
  • Session 3: Firm Dynamics and Green Transition
  • Session 4: Digital Platforms 

Each session will feature presentations by young scholars, followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience. 

The event will take place on October 18th at the Facility of Economics of Sapienza University of Rome (via Castro Laurenziano 9) from 9:00 to 18:00 in Aula Marrama (6th floor). For further information, please refer to the final program.

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