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Earth Observation (EO) data are increasingly being used to monitor vegetation and detect plant growth anomalies due to water stress, drought, or pests, as well as to monitor water availability, weather conditions, disaster risks, land-use/land-cover changes and to evaluate soil degradation. Satellite data are provided regularly by worldwide organizations, covering a wide variety of spatial, temporal and spectral characteristics. In addition, climate and crop growth models provide early estimates of the expected weather patterns and yield, which can be improved by fusion with EO data. The project “AfriCultuReS” is capitalizing on the above to contribute towards an integrated agricultural monitoring and early warning system for Africa, supporting decision making in the field of food security. (read more:
PEDROS: Perimetrazione automatica di incendi con drone equipaggiato con sensore specifico.
Il sistema proposto prevede la messa a punto di un sistema SAPR (Sistema Aviotrasportato a Pilotaggio Remoto) che possa essere di ausilio alla perimetrazione dettagliata, di aree boschive aggredite da insetti/patogeni e/o da incendi boschivi al fine di trasmettere alle competenti autorità la certificazione di dette aree colpite da danno ambientale, in ottemperanza alla attuale legislazione. Tale attività viene normalmente realizzata tramite l’interpretazione di analisi di immagini satellitari con risoluzioni spaziali non sempre adeguate allo scopo, il che comporta spesso la necessità di ri-perimetrazione sul campo effettuata da operatori dotati di sistemi palmari GNSS (read more:
EO4CEA: Sistema di elaborazione, distribuzione, analisi e sperimentazione di prodotti e servizi basati su immagini satellitari a supporto del monitoraggio degli indicatori per i Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) nell’area dell’Africa Centro-Orientale (read more:
At FirEUrisk, we’re harmonizing and upgrading current European strategies by including the socio-economic circumstances that affect the occurrence of extreme wildfires as well as the biophysical conditions, such as vegetation and climate. This mix of perspectives allows a better understanding of how vulnerable communities are to wildfires and which are the best practices to adapt. (read more:
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Climate change is making wildfires even worse. Not only is the number of fires increasing, they are spreading faster and the wildfire season is getting longer. Firefighting structures are struggling to cope with the unpredictability of wildfires. There are no reliable tools to predict a fire’s dimensions and strength. The EU-funded S2IGI project will support fire management in three principal stages of the process – to prevent and reduce wildfires, organise the management of firefighting, and after-fire recovery. The project use satellite information, in site auxiliary data and weather predictions to achieve reliable and on time fire forecasts. S2IGI will be distributed as a Software as a Service (SaaS). (read more:
EVOSS: Stems from the unique ensemble of phenomena, parameters and forerunners involved in volcanic unrests, and the need for responses scaled to the vastly variable intensities, durations and extent of possible eruptive activity. It capitalises on results achieved within projects GlobVolcano and PROMOTE of ESA, currently running. Its main goal is to implement the spaceborne support to volcano monitoring capacity by a substantial amount, acting at supra-regional scale and including multi-parameter tracking with temporal resolutions (multispectral EO) and spatial resolutions (Radar EO) hitherto unachieved. EVOSS, is centred on the development or the finalization of advanced data processing techniques for Gas/Ash, Thermal (high-temperature) and Ground deformation, underlain by robust theory and brought seamlessly to the End User for use in surveillance routine and emergency decision. Grant agreement ID: 242535, Funded under FP7-SPACE.