Prof. Paola Barbato – Zayed University, United Arab Emirates. Topics: The psychological and cognitive conditions in overweight and obesity.
Prof. Eunice Chen - Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Topics: Eating Disorders.
Prof. Simon Collins - National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore. Topics: Perception and attention in three-dimensional space in healthy people and individuals with schizotypal personality traits.
Prof. Luis J. Fuentes – University of Murcia. Spain. Topics: Experimental research on attentional processes in children with neurotypical development and children with developmental disorders.
Prof. Juan Lupiáñez - University of Granada, Spain. Topics: Experimental research on attentional systems and social attention.
Prof. Diana Martella - Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile. Topics: Experimental research on attentional systems in neurotypical and clinical populations. Assessment of sleep deprivation effects on cognitive functioning.
Prof. Andrea Marotta – University of Granada, Spain. Topics: Experimental research on attentional systems and social attention. Assessment of sleep deprivation effects on cognitive functioning.
Italian Air Force. Topics: experimental research in psychophysiology of sleep and vigilance, psychophysiology of autonomic nervous system in normal conditions and extreme environments, psychophysiological of motion sickness in the spatial flight disorientation, cognitive aspects related to the use of Night Vision Goggles.
First Medical Clinic of the Policlinic Umberto I - Department of Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nephrological, and Geriatric Sciences - Sapienza, the University of Rome (Prof. Giuseppe Germanò and Dr. Anna Caparra). Topics: research on psychological determinants and behavioral treatments of high blood pressure.
Neuropsychiatric Unit - Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Department of Neuroscience – the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Prof. Augusto Pasini). Topics: attentional processes in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and pervasive developmental disorders (Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism), and adolescents with personality disorders.
Dental Clinic of the Policlinic Umberto I - Department of Odontostomatological and Maxillofacial Sciences - Sapienza, the University of Rome (Prof. Carlo Di Paolo). Topics: psychological determinants of pain and temporomandibular disorders.
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry - Sapienza, the University of Rome (Prof. Massimo Biondi and Prof. Roberto Delle Chiaie). Topics: psychological and cognitive processes in patients with bipolar disorder.
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry- Sapienza, the University of Rome (Prof. Francesco Fattaposta). Topics: psychological, emotional, and cognitive aspects of patients with Parkinson's disease.
Cardiology Complex Unit of the Vannini Hospital (Dr. Luca Caciotti). Topics: psychological, emotional, and cognitive aspects in patients with acute myocardial infarction and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.