Administrative Manager (RAD)

The Rad of the Department is Dr. Carlo Appetecchia Curriculum Vitae

The Administrative Manager (RAD) is the holder of an organisational position assigned by the Director General to staff in the High Professional category of the administrative area. He is hierarchically subordinate to the Director General of the University and functionally to the Department Director.

The acts and measures of direct competence of the RAD include:

- Acts and measures for the procurement of goods and services
- Conferment of assignments and services of an occasional nature
- Administrative-accounting management of professional work assignments
- Administrative-accounting management of coordinated and continuous collaboration assignments,     including teaching assignments and research grants
- Administrative-accounting management of mission expenses of teaching staff, for economic-financial aspects - Administrative-accounting management of mission assignments for technical-administrative staff - Maintenance work pertaining to the structure
- Economic and financial reporting of research projects, including timesheets- Active research, consultancy and training contracts, for economic and financial aspects
- International cooperation agreements, for economic and financial aspects
- Measures implementing 81/08 and and II, the directives issued by the Structure- Representative in his capacity as employer pursuant to the same 81/08
- Planning and management acts and measures in the interest of any connected Interdepartmental Research Centres, in constant liaison and synergy with the Centre Representative, who is responsible for providing the RAD with the necessary administrative-accounting support.
The RAD is also responsible, by virtue of the specific role it plays, for the assumption of acts and measures and the management of activities that do not involve the direct assumption of expenditure, and in particular:

- Management of the staff assigned to the Department with reference to the contingent devoted exclusively or predominantly to administrative-accounting and management support activities, with the exclusion of library and laboratory staff, the use of which is the responsibility of the library director and laboratory manager respectively.
- Management and control of attendance/absence of all staff assigned to the Department
- Elaboration and proposal to the Director General of ideas that may be useful to introduce technical and/or organisational innovations functional to a greater effectiveness, efficiency, speed and economy of the services managed, to an improvement in performance and organisational behaviour, to an increase in organisational wellbeing, to greater transparency and visibility of the activities and results achieved, also by elaborating specific project documents that may be the fruit of a wider sharing and participation of the direct collaborators

- Updating of direct collaborators on the evolution of regulations and procedures and coordination of their respective activities, ensuring that each staff unit can, compatibly with the general needs of the structure's functionality and the professional classification of individuals, preside over an organic set of activities, promoting greater responsibility, within a framework of organisational flexibility
- Supporting the Department Director in implementing and monitoring the organisational strategies connected with the Performance Plan
- Reporting of particularly virtuous conduct by employees to the Director General and, similarly, prompt reporting of staff conduct, even if not so serious as to require disciplinary action, but which is worthy of intervention as a preventive measure against possible prejudice to the employee and the Administration


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