ENEN+ Mentorship Programme

Mentorship programme for nuclear careers                 

ENEN + project, coordinated by the European Nuclear Education network (ENEN), established a mentoring program at European level for three-year degree students who wish to obtain more information on nuclear energy and, if necessary, enroll in master's degree courses in which nuclear materials are studied.

Nuclear energy was recently declared by the European Commission as a part of the "backbone of a European carbon-free energy system" in 2050, along with renewable energy sources. Therefore, there is much to be done to ensure an environmentally compatible energy production system in Europe. Nuclear energy also has applications other than energy production, which relate to medicine, biology, agriculture and industry.

If you want to be in contact with nuclear experts who can provide you with information, suggestions and indications in different sectors of nuclear energy applications (from power generation to medicine, from space applications to future energy systems), apply to become a "mentee". ": You will receive personalized attention and suggestions.


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