Workshop Monella, filologia digitale
In April 2021 Dr. Paolo Monella, senior lecturer within the PAGES ERC Project. led two workshops on digital philology for PhD students of the Universities of Verona and Turin, Italy:
- Monday April 12, 2021, 9:00-12:00 CET: Workshop of digital text representation, for the Dottorato in Letterature Straniere, Lingue e Linguistica of the University of Verona. The workshop was held online on Zoom, in English. Syllabus and teaching materials are available on the workshop website.
- Thursday April 15, 2021, 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 CET: The distributed edition: IIIF and LOD integration in TEI/XML editions with EVT, within the Corso di Digital Humanities per i Dottorandi della Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche 2020-21, coordinated by Prof. Ermanno Malaspina for the DISH Center (Digital Scholarship in the Humanities) of the University of Turin. Syllabus and materials are on the workshop website.