
SAPeri&Co’s activities focus on regional specialized fields like Aerospace, Renewable Energy, Cultural Heritage and Bioscience, but it also carries a series of actions to bridge Sapienza’s excellence, from Design to Medicine, from Chemistry to Biology, Economy, Psychology, Law and Informatics. SAPeri&Co makes knowledge accessible and sharable, also through the use of digital fabrication tools

Latest research

SAPeri&Co– Pharmaceutical Sciences
SAPeri&Co– Pharmaceutical Sciences

Simone Manetto, PhD student in Pharmaceutical Sciences, has achieved in the FABLAB of Saperi&Co...

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Environmental and Evolutionary Biol.
Environmental and Evolutionary Biol.
Environmental and Evolutionary Biol.

Marialba Ventricelli, PhD student in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology at...

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Growing Materials Workshop
Growing Materials Workshop

Lorena Trebbi is among the Fabricademy 2020 tutorial instructors, and...

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SAPERI&CO - Space engineering
SAPERI&CO - Space engineering
SAPERI&CO - Space engineering

Siddharth Deore is a student of the master's degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering of Sapienza and ...

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SAPeri &Co - Surgical Sciences
SAPeri&Co - Surgical Sciences

Saperi&Co is collaborating with Professor Vito D'Andrea of the Department of Surgical Sciences for the design of a surgical forceps capable of...

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SAPeri&Co - Neuroscience
SAPeri&Co - Neuroscience

The Research Center and Services Saperi&Co collaborated with dr. Vito Chiarella of the Department of Neuroscience of the La Sapienza...

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SAPeri & Co - Sciences of Antiquity
SAPeri&Co - Sciences of Antiquity

Saperi&Co collaborated with Professor Lorenzo Nigro of the orientalist section of the Science of Antiquities Department of Sapienza University ...

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Precious Bioplastic

Museum May

What happens to fruit and vegetable waste? Did you know they can be very useful for all of us?

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