How to search for a book

The search for bibliographic material is carried out mainly through the use of catalogs, made easily accessible through the network by OPAC (Online and Public Access Catalogs).

The Library has several online catalogs that can be consulted at the various locations or from one's own devices (PC, smart phone, tablet):

1) OPAC SebinaYou, portal for access to the catalog and services of the Sapienza libraries:

In addition to catalographic research, the portal offers the possibility of viewing the latest accessions of the libraries, booking the loan of a volume or creating a personal bibliography that can be saved and preserved.

In addition to the interface, the main innovations include a simpler and more intuitive search mask, more effective tools for filtering results, new social services (possibility of posting comments, connections with the most popular social networks, etc.), faster connection with digitized resources, greater simplicity in the communication of information, dynamic connection with Discovery Sapienza, a search engine that simultaneously queries most of the electronic resources available at the university.

Discovery queries many other sources useful for extending bibliographic research beyond the Sapienza holdings. The "Search full text" button will be used to verify whether or not the text found is accessible.

Sapienza students, through authentication with lnfoStud credentials, can access the resources described above and a personal work area where they can interact with the reference libraries.

2) METAOPAC: a search mask which allows the querying of catalogs of some libraries of the Faculty (Roman Law, Private Law, History of Italian Law, Navigation Law, Philosophy of Law, Criminal Law) used before the introduction of the Sebina software:

3) The OPAC of the ACNP catalog (Archivio Collettivo Nazionale dei Periodici) which allows in-depth research on periodicals and on the Italian libraries which possess them, with an indication of the years held in the various structures: cgi-ser/start/en/cnr/fp.htmI.

4) It is possible to consult the elect ro niche bibliographic resources of Sapienza by enabling one's own PC, via proxy, with access from home (and/or from outside), following the instructions provided at:

At the individual branches of the Interdepartmental Library it is also possible to consult the traditional paper catalogues by author and title for the retrieval of documents acquired prior to the introduction of the cataloguing and querying software currently in use.



Biblioteca Interdipartimentale di Scienze Giuridiche - BISG
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma