Students who are graduating from the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering must submit their graduation application online, following a specific procedure that can be found on the Infostud portal.
How to book the graduation exam:
At the time of submitting the graduation application the students must have passed all the exams and paid tuition fees. No extensions will be granted.
In case of taken exams not yet registered on Infostud, fill in and attach to the rest of the documentation the form “Dichiarazione esami sostenuti" (Self certification of exams taken), downloadable at the following link:
Mandatory Information to indicate in the application:
• Rapporteur
• Thesis title
• Subject of the Thesis
The thesis must be uploaded on Infostud at least 7 days before the actual date of thesis discussion.
When to book the graduation exam:
The deadlines for booking graduation exams can be found on Faculty webpage.
Before submitting your application on Infostud you must have paid the graduation tax at least 48 hours before the submission deadline stated on the academic calendar.
Useful information:
See instructions for completing the application
Graduates Reminder (in Italian)