Pontani Mauro

Mauro Pontani currently covers the position of Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Department of Astronautical, Electrical, and Energy Engineering, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. He is a corresponding member of the International Academy of Astronautics. He was Visiting Scholar and Visiting Researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, and at Rice University, Houston, TX, several times from 2004 through 2017. He earned the Italian National Qualification for the position of Full Professor of Aerospace Engineering in 2017. He is a member of the Academic Board of the Ph.D. Course "Energy and Environment" at Sapienza.

His research interests are in the field of astrodynamics and aerospace trajectory optimization, and specifically include aerospace mission analysis and design, analytical and numerical methods for trajectory optimization, guidance and control of aerospace vehicles, dynamic game theory applied to aerospace trajectories, satellite constellations, launch, ascent and descent vehicles, and satellite release systems. He is author of more than 100 scientific publications (including 42 journal papers), and currently serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Acta Astronautica, Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, and the International Journal of Aerospace Engineering. He took part to several research projects, as researcher or principal investigator.


Settore scientifico disciplinare (SSD): 
Spaceflight Mechanics (Master of Science in Space and Astronautical Engineering MSAR LM-20), 2016-ongoing
Advanced Spacecraft Dynamics (Master of Science in Space and Astronautical Engineering MSAR LM-20), 2019-ongoing
Meccanica del Volo (Laurea in Ingegneria Aerospaziale BAER L-9), 2017-2019
Aerospace Trajectories (Special Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering, LSS-SIA), 2016-2017
After lectures and on appointment
Ricerche / Pubblicazioni: 
1.Pontani M., Teofilatto P., “Satellite Constellations for Continuous and Early-Warning Observation: a Correlation-Based Approach”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2007, pp. 910-920
2.Pontani M., Conway B. A., “Numerical Solution of the Three-Dimensional Orbital Pursuit-Evasion Game”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2009, pp. 474-487
3.Pontani M., “Simple Method to Determine Globally Optimal Orbital Transfers”, Journal ofGuidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2009, pp. 899-914
4.Pontani M., Conway B. A., “Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Space Trajectories”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 33, No. 5, 2010, pp. 1429-1441
5.Pontani M., “Particle Swarm Optimization of Ascent Trajectories of Multistage Launch Vehicles”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 94, No. 2, 2014, pp. 852-864
6.Giancotti M., Pontani M., Teofilatto P., “Cylindrical Isomorphic Mapping Applied to Invariant Manifold Dynamics for Earth-Moon Missions”, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Vol. 120, 2014, pp. 249-268
7.Pontani M, Conway B. A., “Minimum-Fuel Finite-Thrust Relative Orbit Maneuvers via Indirect Heuristic Method”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 38, No. 5, 2015, pp. 913-924
8.Pontani M., Cecchetti G., Teofilatto P., “Variable-Time-Domain Neighboring Optimal Guidance Applied to Space Trajectories”, Acta Astronautica , Vol. 115, 2015, pp. 102-120
9.Pontani M., Miele A., “Theorem of Optimal Image Trajectories in the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies” , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 168, No. 3, 2016, pp. 992-1013
10.Pontani M., Teofilatto P., “Polyhedral Representation of Invariant Manifolds Applied to Orbit Transfers in the Earth-Moon System”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 119, 2016, pp. 218-232

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