pillole salute

Clinical trails and health protection

Sapienza carries out activities for public health and well-being through its departmental structures and within the broad catchment area of the two university hospitals (Umberto I hospital and Sant'Andrea hospital) and the Polo Pontino, collaborating institutionally also with structures of the territory. In particular, the University offers a wide range of protection and information initiatives for health and well-being, in the psychological field (from eating disorders to learning disorders), on the subject of rare diseases or those relating to the autistic spectrum and with constant attention to disabilities and differences. The initiatives include clinical trial activities, screening campaigns, information and/or prevention days, awareness campaigns, which have repercussions on the well-being and health of individuals and are aimed at improving the objective and perceived quality of life of the population, encouraging also the empowerment of patients, also for the benefit of "fragile" subjects.


Further information can be found at the following link.



© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma