Neuromarketing Data Analyst
Ing. Alessia Vozzi got her Bachelor Degree in Clinical Engineering and her Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 and 2016 respectively, at Sapienza University of Rome.
From 2016 to 2018 she has worked in a French company based in Paris as Research Engineer in the field of electrophysiological signals.
Alessia Vozzi is a PhD student, attending the third year of the Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering program, biophysics curriculum, at Sapienza University of Rome.
Currently she works in BrainSigns as Biomedical Engineer experienced in the analysis of physiological signals for industrial applications. Her main research activity, on behalf of BrainSigns, is focused on the acquisition and the analysis of biological signals (Electroencephalogram, Heart Rate, Galvanic Skin Response and Eye-Tracking), with the aim of investigating the cognitive and emotional human response to external stimulations.
In the company, she mainly deals with R&D concerns in the field of Neuromarketing, working at the improvement of the signal processing tools, supporting thesis students and trainees in their work.
Dr. Alessia Vozzi is also author and co-author of several publications on neuromarketing on peer reviewed scientific journals and reviewer for international journals.