R&D Project Manager
Ing. Gianluca Di Flumeri got his Master degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2014, and his Ph.D. degree cum laude in Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering (Biophysics curriculum) in 2018, both at Sapienza University of Rome, the latter spending a 3-months-period at Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE SUPAERO) in Toulouse.
He is currently a Research Fellow at the Department of Molecular Medicine of Sapienza University itself, under the direction of prof. Babiloni. At the same time, he conducts and coordinate scientific research activities at BrainSigns, also managing R&D projects.
His main research activity, on behalf of BrainSigns, is focused on acquisition and analysis of human biosignals (EEG, ECG, Skin Conductance, Eye-Tracking), with the aim of investigating neurophysiological correlations with human cognitive phenomena. The result is the development of synthetic neurometrics of specific and relevant mental states, such as mental workload, vigilance, stress, and so on. In particular, he investigates socially relevant applications of these neurometrics, such as the Human Factor evaluation in operational environments (aviation, automotive, robot-assisted surgery), and the development of advanced Human-Machine Interfaces. His research is also applied in Neuromarketing, for the evaluation of cognitive, emotional and motivational processes evoked by external advertising stimuli.
He has a great expertise in terms of physiological signals recordings, (bio-)signal processing and machine learning techniques. Also, he usually designs and compiles Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in order to support the operators by simplifying, optimizing ant automating biosignals acquisition and processing procedures.
Part of his research is co-funded by National and European Research Programmes. He is/has been the Partner’s Project Manager of: (i) SIMUSAFE project (http://bit.ly/2O8yJL0, Horizon 2020); (ii) BRAINSAFEDRIVE project (http://bit.ly/2HR4Qfo, Italy-Sweden collaboration co-funded by Italian Government); (iii) MINIMA project (http://bit.ly/3c6DIGW, Horizon 2020 – SESAR Joint Undertaking).
The results of his research have been disseminated during several International Conferences of Bioengineering, and published on dozens of papers on peer-reviewed journals, on books and with one patent (please see http://bit.ly/3c3iDNQ for further information).
He has been awarded by the Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) with the “Young Researchers 2014” award, by the Italian Society of Aerospace Medicine (AIMAS) with the “I Guidoniani 2015” award, by Fondazione Sapienza in 2017 with the “Premio Minerva” recognizing the forefront and the scientific relevance of his research activity, and by SESAR Joint Undertaking in 2018 with the "Young Scientist Award 2018".