How to register


  • Candidates must send an application for admission according to one of the methods indicated in the Single Announcement, paying the access test fee (even in the absence of a selective test), under penalty of exclusion.
  • At the end of the Single Call, the Director and the representatives of the Master start the selection and admission procedures, which take place through an oral interview;
  • Once the verification procedures have been completed, the list of those admitted will be published on the Sapienza web page dedicated to the Master;
  • Admitted students are informed by the Director and by the Master's representatives about the beginning of the teaching activities, through the presentation of a dedicated communication on the Master's web page;
  • Those admitted are required to pay the first installment of the registration fee (worth € 1600.00), in the terms and methods specified in the Single Announcement, under penalty of exclusion.
  • Only after the completion of the payment, the admission to the Master will be regularly enrolled for the academic year 2023-2024 at this University.
  • Subsequently, it is necessary to pay the second and last installment of the registration fee, worth € 1600.00.
  • The competition notice for admission to the Master's for the 2023/2024 academic year (Bando unico di ammissione) and the admission application form (Domanda di ammissione) can be downloaded at the following link: Tecniche scientifiche di indagine nel settore alimentare | Sapienza Università di Roma ( The registration deadline has been extended to January 31, 2024.



Students who may be admitted attending the Master must have a qualification belonging to one of the following degree classes, or Equivalent Title:

  • Chemical Sciences 62/S (LM-54);
  • Biology 6/S (LM-6);
  • Agricultural Biotechnology 7/S;
  • Agricultural Biologies (LM-7);
  • Industrial Biotechnology 8/S (LM-8);
  • Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 9/S (LM-9);
  • Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (LM-11);
  • Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy 14/S (LM-13);
  • Chemical Engineering 27/S (LM-22);
  • Nature Sciences 68/S (LM-60);
  • Materials Science and Engineering 61/S (LM-53);
  • Agricultural Sciences and Technologies 77/S (LM-69);
  • Science and Technology of Industrial Chemistry 81/S (LM71);
  • Forest and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (LM-73);
  • Human Nutrition Sciences 69/S (LM-61);
  • Management of gastronomic sciences for well-being (LM-GASTR);
  • Agrozootechnical Sciences and Technologies 79/S (LM-86);
  • Forest and Environmental Sciences and Technologies 74/S (LM-73);
  • Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies 78/S (LM-70);
  • Commodity Sciences SECS/P13;
  • Law (LMG-01, LS-22) and related titles;
  • Molecular and Health Biology (LM-6).

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma