The COVINFORM project gets underway

Sunday, 1 November, 2020

Sapienza participates in the COVINFORM project, funded by the European Union research programme Horizon 2020, whose aim is to examine the response of governments and societies to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVINFORM (COronavirus Vulnerabilities and INFOrmation dynamics Research and Modelling) project has been funded by Horizon 2020, the European Union's research and innovation programme, as part of the European Commission's commitment to helping provide a global response to the Coronavirus pandemic. 23 projects, including COVINFORM, were selected for funding following an H2020 call for innovative and rapid health approaches to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and to provide rapid results to society for a higher level of preparedness in health systems (SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2). The project will last three years and will start on November 1, 2020.

Coordinated by SYNYO, a leading research, innovation and technology company, the project involves 17 partners. Its main objective is to examine the response of governments, health systems, media and civil society to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a critical interdisciplinary look at the responses to the crisis generated by the COVID-19 at the government, public health, community, information and communication levels.

The Sapienza team, coordinated by professor Elena Ambrosetti, of the Department of Methods and Models for Economy, Territory and Finance, (Memotef) will be taking part in the activities of several working groups, researching the use of paid and unpaid time, already conducted by the same team within the Counting Women's Work project ( Moreover, the Sapienza team will lead a working group that aims to create and publish a series of bi-monthly reports on the project website; under the Sapienza coordination, reports, brochures and webinars will be produced, contextualised according to governments' reactions to the changing situation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. Links Counting Women's Work projecct Memotef Department

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

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