Research Days

The Department organizes an annual “Research Day”, to disseminate ongoing research work, particularly by young researchers: research projects are discussed in terms of the stage of development of projects, new topics to be explored, results obtained and lines to follow, together with existing or planned national and international links. The second “Research Day” was held in 2010, with the participation of researchers from the newly-constituted Department. The Department also coordinates seminars and research days with guest international speakers for the Doctoral School with Ph.D. programmes in Economics and in Economic Geography. A Research Day for the Alumni of the Doctorate in Economics is also organized. In addition, a Department Colloquium is organized regularly, where Department members present results of research projects and share information about work in progress.

26-27 March 2024 - Fourteenth MEMOTEF Research Day

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma