Screen time and child physical and mental health Prof. Roma Jusiene

Martedì, 28 Gennaio, 2020
Prof. Roma Jusiene: professor and principal researcher at the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy Vilnius University.
Her main research interests are early development of self-regulation, developmental and health issues of screen use and internet use in young children, and family psychology. She is the author or co-author of over 50 scientific publications in international and Lithuanian scientific journals and of several books and textbooks, e.g. “Self-regulation in young children”, “The Growing Child", “Health Psychology”, “Counselling at School”, etc. R.Jusiene is also a clinical psychologist and psychodynamic psychotherapist, and supervisor. She is founder and main teacher of post-graduate programme on Psychodynamic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. She is a member of the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society and the European Association on Developmental Psychology. 
Prof. Giampaolo Nicolais: direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicologia Clinica, Sapienza 

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