Cosa sono gli Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA):
to be admitted to a degree course it is necessary to have a secondary school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, as well as the possession or acquisition of adequate initial preparation. To this end, the Faculty of Sciences MFN defines the knowledge required for access and determines the methods of verification. If the verification is not positive, specific additional educational obligations (OFA) to be met in the first year of the course are indicated. These additional educational obligations are also assigned to students of restricted access degree courses who have been admitted to courses with a threshold lower than a pre-established minimum. (art. 6 D.M. 270/2004).
Students of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, to access the recovery test, do not have to follow unitelma courses but must practice on the platform trained with specially prepared of@smfn
To prepare for OFA tests or to self-assess your skills you can use the following tools
- Free acces courses a.a 20/21
The knowledge test must be carried out within the first semester.
The test will be considered fulfilled and therefore the test will not have to be taken if the student:
- passes one or more of the following curricular exams indicated in the didactic regulations of the degree program.
- passes a knowledge test organized on the Of@ platform
NB: Any TOLC-S achieved and passed in any location will be considered healing, but it is necessary to contact orientamentosmfn@uniroma1.it for the appropriate checks.
Methods of fulfilling additional educational obligations (OFA)
- passing a specially prepared recovery test (March 2021)
- passing one of the two exams indicated in the study program's didactic regulations
To carry out the knowledge check test it is necessary to register on the platform trained with OF@ and take the self-assessment test
Instructions for registration: Tutorial to access the platform
- Programmed access courses a.a 20/21
Programmed access CdS
Successful candidates who have scored less than 8/20 in the basic Mathematics questions will be awarded the additional modules in Mathematics.
The list of debtors will not be disclosed by publication on this page.
Methods of recovery of OFA
1. passing a specially prepared recovery test
2. passing the exam relating to the teaching indicated in section NG2 of the Degree Program Regulations.
To facilitate the recovery of OFA, students are invited to register on the platform and take the tests made available
- Previous academic year debtors
Students who, enrolled in previous academic years, have not yet paid the debt will have two recovery tests scheduled for November and December 2020.
To prepare for the test it is necessary to register on the platform (https://elearning.uniroma1.it/enrol/index.php?id=6266) and carry out the tests made available
We inform you that the recovery test is scheduled for November 17, 2020 at 2.00 pm
To participate you need to connect to the following link and fill out the form:
Access calendar to the platform of@smfn: