Faculty Commission for Didactic and Scientific Structures
The Faculty Commission for Didactic and Scientific Structures has consultative and proposal functions in the management of funds and resources that come annually to the Faculty from the University's central administration, in particular from the AROF office (Educational Offer and Right to Study Area) and from MIUR. In particular, it formulates the proposal for the division among the various Departments of different types of funds. Funds for the operation of didactic laboratories and libraries, including the funding of specific proposals of the departments and the funding of the LIFS (Interdisciplinary Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences). Funds for on-the-ground training activities of students in three-year and master's degree programs, whose organizational responsibility lies with the Departments of Environmental Biology (BA) and Earth Sciences (SdT). Funds intended for the financing of grants for tutoring activities (such as Tranche for master's and doctoral degree students - support fund for young people). Funds for student collaboration grants. Funds for routine maintenance of classrooms and laboratories.
Contacts: commissione-strutture-didattiche-e-scientifiche@uniroma1.it
Commissione Strutture didattiche e scientifiche |
Genere |
Qualifica |
Dipartimento |
Anagnostou Paolo |
M |
SF |
BA |
Tortora Chiara |
F |
TA |
Facoltà |
Vignati Marco |
M |
SF |
F |
Fiorenza Domenico |
M |
SF |
M |
Tata Ada Maria |
F |
SF |
BB |
Trippetta Fabio |
M |
ST |
Di Stefano Stefano (Presidente) |
M |
SF |
C |