It is a postgraduate or postgraduate degree/ master’s degree course managed by the university but with a possible participation of the world of professions and work, with a character of scientific improvement and high continuing and recurrent training, designed for new graduates but also for professionals who feel the need for updating or retraining. The Masters provide knowledge and skills of a professional, technical-operational or design level.
First level Master
La scienza nella pratica giornalistica
CODE 26798
Second level Mater
Caratterizzazione e tecnologie per la bonifica dei siti inquinati
CODE 15311
CO2 Geological Storage (international)
CODE 30219
Metodologie analitiche forensi
CODE 28363
CODE 04608
Stem cells and genome editing (u-stem) In memoriam of Paolo Bianco (Interfacoltà con Farmacia e...
CODE 29513
Master II Livello in Biologia della Nutrizione per la Riproduzione Umana
CODICE 30942