Dr. Edoardo Milanetti vincitore procedura selettiva RTDA FIS/07 SC 02/D1 D.D. 248/2019 TITOLO In silico investigation of protein-protein interactions through shape complementarity characterization

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - 13:00

Martedì 14 luglio 2020
immediatamente a seguire rispetto ai seminari del Prof Bini e del Dr. Lamagna,
si terrà il seguente seminario in videoconferenza meet:

ore 13.00 Dr. Edoardo Milanetti vincitore procedura selettiva RTDA FIS/07 SC 02/D1 D.D. 248/2019

In silico investigation of protein-protein interactions through shape complementarity characterization

 Interactions among proteins constitute the molecular basis of most processes in living organisms. Therefore, in recent years several research lines have been focused on capturing the determinants of those interactions and on assessing the stability of protein complexes. However, despite the great steps that have been made in the last few years, prediction of the interaction regions between molecules is still an open challenge. In particular, the development of fast and reliable theoretical and computational methods, which may be able to guide and accelerate experiments, is still required today. In this context, the shape of local surface regions in proteins has a key role in predicting protein ability to bind its molecular partners. Here, a new unsupervised computational method is proposed, which efficiently characterizes the shape of any portion of the molecular iso-electron density surface and allows us to evaluate the shape complementarity of protein-protein interfaces employing the 2D Zernike formalism.


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