seminario Dr. Luca Graziani vincitore procedura selettiva per RTA bando 115/2021 FIS/05 Title : High redshift galaxy formation and evolution in the new era of gravitational wave astronomy

Friday, October 1, 2021 - 12:45

Dr. Luca Graziani
vincitore procedura selettiva per RTA bando 115/2021 FIS/05
Title : High redshift galaxy formation and evolution in the new era of gravitational wave astronomy


We live in exciting times when new electromagnetic observations can be complemented by the independent detection of gravitational wave signals. Photometric and spectroscopic surveys of high redshift galaxies already opened up a new window on the first two billion years of our Universe: the ALMA Telescope, for example, recently discovered surprisingly evolved galaxies living  in the first Giga-year ( z>6) and containing a significant amount of dust  and metals in their Interstellar Medium. In less than a year, the James Web Telescope promises  to reveal the very early stages of the so called cosmic dawn, when ionizing light from the first generations of stars propagated throughout baryons present in the Intergalactic Medium (IGM) beginning the poorly constrained process of Cosmic Reionization. At the same time, the recent detection of gravitational waves provides unprecedented possibilities of understanding the process of cosmic star formation by following back in time the evolution of coalescing binaries.

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