Seminario Dr.ssa Serena Falasca Vincitrice procedura selettiva RTDA Bando 230/2021 FIS06 Titolo: From idealized to realistic modeling of urban areas for air quality, energy and climate change applications

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 - 11:30

ID riunione: 818 7913 7802
Passcode: 175955
Dr.ssa Serena Falasca 

Vincitrice procedura selettiva RTDA Bando 230/2021 FIS06


Titolo: From idealized to realistic modeling of urban areas for air quality, energy and climate change applications

The progressive growth of the urban population makes the environmental sustainability of cities critical and the adoption of mitigation and adaptation strategies urgent.

Air quality and climate change with specific focus on the urban environment have found in recent years more and more space in international planning (European in particular) and in many research areas.  In the atmospheric field, the complexity involved in describing the dynamics and thermal forcing within the urban canopy makes it difficult to fully understand atmospheric circulation and energy exchange. Significant information comes from idealized studies in the laboratory, from the strengthening of observational networks (ground-based and remote sensing) and from the improvement of numerical models, both in terms of parameterization and performance. Models in particular are essential as they are the only source of weather data for "what-if" scenarios or future projections. The seminar will cover my research activity in the field of modeling of urban areas, from idealized to realistic simulations. A particular focus will be on numerical WRF simulations of the urban heat island and related mitigation techniques, urban air quality and energy applications, including in the context of climate change. These applications have emphasized the relevance of the accuracy of meteorological data and the need for more realistic configurations of the urban fabric


Ore 12.00

Dr. Guido Fantini

vincitore procedura selettiva RTDA Bando 231/2021 FIS04

Titolo Title: Rare decay searches with cryogenic bolometer detectors

Abstract: The discovery of neutrino-less double beta decay would prove neutrinos to be Majorana particles. Searching for it has already provided boost to cryogenic calorimetry and pushed this technology at the tonne-scale.
Challenges include background reduction through particle identification, pile-up rejection and vibrational noise optimization in a cryogenic environment. An overview on the latest developments on this topic will be given, together with physics results from the CUORE experiment.
Analysis techniques for rare decay searches can be applied to bio-based carbon content assessment measuring 14C activity with liquid scintillators


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