Matteo Paoluzzi "Collective Behavior in Living Materials" Dip. di Fisica [CHIAMATA]

Monday, February 19, 2024 - 15:30

Si comunica che il giorno mercoledì 19 febbraio alle ore 15:30 il Dott. Paoluzzi Matteo,  in quanto vincitore della procedura selettiva di professore di II fascia SSD FIS/02 CODICE CONCORSO 2023PAA002 terrà il seminario dal titolo: "RCollective Behavior in Living Materials" presso l'aula G. Careri - edificio Marconi CU013 - piano primo.


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Active Materials are collections of self-propelled active particles that serve as model systems for several biological systems ranging from epithelial tissues to bacterial microfilms. Because of their non-equilibrium dynamics, active systems can show condensed phases that are prevented by fluctuations at equilibrium. For instance, active particles can condense even in the absence of any attractive force, they can develop collective long-ranged polar order in two spatial dimensions, and they can produce spontaneous currents once embedded into complex environments. In this talk, I will show how most of the peculiarities of active systems can be rationalized in terms of persistent random walks. I will explore the impact of such non-equilibrium dynamics on a coarse-graining scale where it is possible to observe a phase separation driven by the noise.

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