Seminario Dipartimento di Matematica
Lunedì 3 giugno alle ore 14:30, in Sala di Consiglio, si terrà il Seminario di Dipartimento della dott.ssa Giulia Basti, risultata vincitrice di una procedura selettiva per una posizione da Ricercatore Tenure Track in Fisica Matematica 01MATH04-A (ex MAT07).
Speaker: Giulia Basti
Titolo: Universality in few and many particle quantum systems
Abstract: Quantum systems with short-range interactions at sufficiently low energy are characterized by a wavelength so large that the fine details of the interactions become irrelevant and most of their properties can be effectively described by few parameters. These properties are referred to as universal as they are common to a huge variety of systems independently of their microscopic details. I will give a short overview of my research interests in few and many particle systems sharing the interest for the emergence of universal features. I will then focus on my contributions in the study of equilibrium properties of dilute Bose gases.