Inauguration of the 2018-19 Academic Year

Inaugurazione dell'anno accademico 2018-2019

On Thursday, January 17, a ceremony will be held to inaugurate the 2018-19 Academic Year, the 716thsince the foundation of Sapienza University. Following the institutional welcome, Rector Eugenio Gaudiowill open the ceremony. There will be speeches by Natasha Rinaldi, a student at the Faculty of Architecture, on behalf of students, and Andrea Bonomolo, Director of the Legal Affairs Area, on behalf of the technical and administrative personnel.

Constitutional Court Judge Giuliano Amatowill hold the inaugural address dedicated to “From the Idea of Europe to the European Constitution.”

The President of the European Civis University, Yvon Berland,the President of University College London, Michael Arthur, and the Rector of the Université libre de Bruxelles, Yvon Englert, will also address the university community.

During the course of the ceremony, awards will be presented to the youngest graduate and the eldest Professor Emeritus.

MuSa (Music at Sapienza) will provide musical entertainment, directed Maestro Francesco Vizioli, with the performance of the GaudeaMus (MuSa Classica, MuSa Jazz and MuSa Choir with Choir Masters Paolo Camiz and Giorgio Monari) and O fortuna, In trutinaand In tabernafrom Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana.

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