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BIH Challenge - English



Business Innovation Hub Challenge


The BIH Challenge

The Business Innovation Hub Challenge is a significant initiative to promote innovation and stimulate entrepreneurship within the Sapienza community. The challenge presents a call for teams with innovative business ideas in the embryonic phase, as well as emerging startups. For the winning projects, BIH will offer a conducive environment to the growth and development of startups, giving them access to mentoring, training and networking programs with industry experts. The aim is to foster entrepreneurial innovation and contribute to the creation of new successful business realities.



Eligibility Requirements

Teams of at least two members may participate in the competition. A fundamental requirement is the presence, within the team, of at least one individualm acting as the "project representative”, who is under the age of 35 years old and is involved in various capacities in the educational activities of Sapienza University of Rome, including, but not limited to:

- currently enrolled students;

- alumni, provide they have obtained their degree; 

- doctoral students;

- postdoctoral researchers;

- research fellows;

- researchers and/or professors.


Applications are welcome from candidates affiliated with any faculty, department, and degree program. Proof of the active status or attainment of the degree for the team member meeting the aforementioned requirement must be provided during the application process.



Participation Procedures

-          By March 31st, 2024: submission of the application through the completion of the online form.

-          By April 30th, 2024: communication of the selected projects to participate in the pitch day to determine which teams will have access to the services of the Business Innovation Hub. More detailed information about the event will be published on the website of the Impresapiens Research Centre and published on its social pages (ImpreSapiens and/or BIH).




Download the complete Regulations at the bottom of the page!