Didactic-Scientific Committee


Alessandra Gentili - Department of Chemistry

ALESSANDRA GENTILI is Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of Sapienza University and Director of the HYDRO-ECO Interdepartmental Research Center. She graduated in Industrial Chemistry at Sapienza University where she also obtained the title of Doctor in Chemical Sciences. She teaches "Analytical Chemistry III" (Instrumental Chemistry) for the Degree Courses of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry. She is a member of the Editorial Board of important scientific journals of Analytical Chemistry such as Journal of Chromatography A (Elsevier) and Molecules (MDPI). She is in the register of experts of CREA, Council for Research in Agriculture and Analysis of the Agricultural Economy and has been a member of the Sapienza-EFSA network (European Food Safety Authority) since 2013. Her scientific activity essentially concerns the development of original analytical methodologies for solving problems in different areas of Chemistry, in particular Food Chemistry. The results of her research have been published in over 100 publications, 42 of which have focused on Food Chemistry.



Cesare Manetti - Department of Environmental Biology

CESARE MANETTI is Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Environmental Biology of Sapienza University. He is President of the CAD in Biotechnological and Agri-Food Sciences and Deputy President of the Inter-University Master's Degree (Sapienza University of Rome – University of Tuscia) in Food Science and Technology. He graduated in Chemistry (1992) at Sapienza University where he also obtained the title of Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1996) and held the role of university researcher (1995-2000). He currently holds courses in the Degree Courses in Agro-Industrial Biotechnology, Biotechnology, Science, Cultures and Gastronomic Policies for Wellness, and in the inter-university Master's Degree in Food Science and Technology. Prof. Manetti is author of numerous publications, and he carries out research on the study of metabolic processes in complex systems, using 1H, 13C, 31P NMR and non-linear analysis of the results obtained. In collaboration with colleagues from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Sapienza University, he filed a patent (2007) following the research of DNA Chips and Labs on Chips, systems capable of making complex diagnoses in an automated and fast way.


Paola D’Angelo - Department of Chemistry

PAOLA D'ANGELO is Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry of Sapienza University of Rome and Junior Research Fellow at “Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza – SSAS”. She is Principal Investigator of the XAMD group of the Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome. She deals with studies of complex systems through absorption and emission spectroscopies of X-rays and simulations of Molecular Dynamics. In the period 2009-2015 she was a member of the Executive Committee of the International X-Ray Absorption Society and is currently treasurer of the same Society. Since 2017 she is a member of the Executive Committee of SILS (Italian Society of Synchrotron Light). She is a member of the Reviewer Committee "Hard condensed matter Structures" at the Elettra Synchrotron Facility of Trieste and since 2018 she is a member of the Review Committee C11 at the European Shyncrothron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble. She won the Enimont Prize for her thesis. She won the prize "Federchimica - per un futuro intelligente" for her PhD thesis. In 2003 she won the "Young Scientist Award" of the International XAFS Society. Since 2018 she is Associate Editor of the journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Elsevier). She is the author of more than 150 articles in international journals and has been invited to over 50 national and international conferences.


Luciano Galantini -  Department of Chemistry

LUCIANO GALANTINI is Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of Sapienza University of Rome. He has been an associate professor (2010-2020) and researcher (2000-2010) at the same Department and researcher at the University of L'Aquila (1996-1999). He has been visiting professor at: i) 2012 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem; ii) 2009, 2007 and 2003-2005 - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela iii) 2007 - Universidad de Costa Rica. Institutional Positions: i) Delegate of the Rector - Redevelopment of Research Laboratories. He is Director of the Department of Chemistry.





Francesca Buiarelli -  Department of Chemistry

FRANCESCA BUIARELLI graduated cum laude in Chemistry (1988) and obtained her PhD (1992) at Sapienza University. She specialized in Food Science in 1997 cum laude. She was researcher (1999-2020) at the Department of Chemistry of Sapienza (CHIM/01). Since September 2020 she has held the position of Associate Professor. She was a member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in Analytical Chemistry of Real Systems for 10 years. She is the author of 68 publications published in ISI journals. She is a member of the Editorial Board of CAC and IJERPH. In the years 2005-2007 she was a member of the Veterinary Drug Advisory Commission appointed by the Ministry of Health (DM 17-02-2005). She has been PI and Investigator of several projects based on competitive tenders. In the academic year 2015-2017 she taught "Coupled analytical techniques" in the context of "Methodologies for food characterization", Master’s Course of Sciences and Technologies for the Quality and enhancement of agri-food products. From the academic year 2009 she teaches "Advanced Analytical Methodologies" of the Master’s Course in Environmental Genomic and Industrial Biotechnology (LM-8). From the academic year 2019-2020 she teaches "Instrumental Analytical Chemistry II with laboratory" of the Master's Course in Analytical Chemistry (LM-54).  From the academic year 2020-2021 she teaches "Analytical Chemistry III" of the Degree Course in Chemical Sciences. She is a lecturer in the Master Forensic Analytical Methodologies. In 2020 it received the ASN qualification for the first teaching band for the CHIM-01 SSD. The main research topics concern the study and optimization of analytical methods in the food, environmental and anti-doping fields.


Roberta Curini - Department of Chemistry

ROBERTA CURINI is Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of Sapienza University. She is Director of the Chemical Safety Laboratory (D. R. n. 325 of 5/3/01 to date) of the University. She holds the Analytical Chemistry I Course with Laboratory and Chemical Risk Management for the Degree Course in Industrial Chemistry. She is a member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Public Health. She was Director of the Department of Occupational Hygiene of ISPESL (Higher Institute for Prevention and Safety at Work) now INAIL, from 2007 to 2011. Prof. Curini is author of 156 publications in international journals. The leitmotif of her research activity is the detection of very low concentration analytes in complex matrices, exploiting cutting-edge extraction techniques, combined with the selectivity of LC-MS / MS.




Fabio Sciubba - Department of Chemistry

FABIO SCIUBBA, Fixed-term researcher Type B, SSD BIO/15 at the Department of Environmental Biology of Sapienza University of Rome, is an expert in the structural characterization of bioactive molecules of plant origin and metabolomics of plant and food matrices by high-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. Member of the NMLab with access to high-field NMR instrumentation (14.09 Tesla) and partner of the academic startup ViVita S.r.L., a company operating in the production of basic pharmaceutical products from by-products of agricultural production, Prof. Sciubba is also author of about 100 publications (H-index: 17 source Scopus) in international peer-reviewed journals.





Andrea Lapi - Department of Chemistry

ANDREA LAPI graduated in Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome in 1994. In 1998 he obtained a PhD in Chemical Sciences at the Sapienza University of Rome and in the same year he won a CNR scholarship at the Center for the Study of Reaction Mechanisms in Rome. Winner of a scholarship from the French Government, in 1999-2000 he carried out research activities at the LCC of the CNRS in Toulouse in the group of Dr. Bernard Meunier. Since 2007 he has been a permanent researcher at Sapienza University of Rome. He currently holds the course of "Organic Chemistry I" for the Degree Course in Chemical Sciences. He is the author of 59 journal publications and recently received the ASN qualification for the second teaching band for the CHIM/06 SSD. The main research topics include the study of the properties and reactivity of radicals and ion radicals, and their role in chemical, biomimetic and enzymatic oxidation processes, and the properties of ionic liquids.




Camilla Montesano - Department of Chemistry

CAMILLA MONTESANO is a fixed-term researcher at the Department of Chemistry since May 2019 and holds the course of Analytical Chemistry of the Degree Course in Agro-industrial Biotechnology. She graduated in Analytical Chemistry and Applied Methodologies in 2010 with 110/110 at Sapienza University of Rome. In the same year she held a research grant for six months at the CNR-ISMN, carrying out research activities in the field of characterization of chiral molecules by Py-GC-MS. In 2012 she spent 5 months at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the University of Copenhagen. In December 2013 she obtained her PhD in Analytical Chemistry of Real Systems discussing the thesis: "Development of novel extraction methodologies for the determination of illicit drugs in biological matrices by LC–MS/MS". From 2014 to 2016 she held research grants at Sapienza University of Rome and University of Padua. From 2017 to 2019 she carried out research activities in the field of "drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic" and metabolomics at the IRBM Science Park as a Junior researcher. In 2021 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Level II professor in 03/A1 sector - Analytical Chemistry. She is co-author of 46 publications in international journals.


Massimo Petrarca - Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering

MASSIMO PETRARCA is professor for the 02/B3 sector – Applied Physics – at the SBAI Department of Sapienza University of Rome since 2014. He obtained a Master's Degree in Physics at Sapienza University of Rome (2004), where he also obtained a PhD in Physics (2004-2008). Winner of scholarships at CERN from 2008 to 2010, from 2011 to 2013 he held a Senior Post Doc at the University of Geneva in the GAPBiophonics applied physics group of Prof. J-P Wolf. Subsequently, from 2013 to 2014, he became a researcher at LNF-INFN. In 2013 he won the Italian national research competition Program: Rita Levi Montalcini. Since April 2014, he has worked as an RTDB researcher at the SBAI department of Sapienza University of Rome.


Carlo Giuseppe Rizzello - Department of Environmental Biology

CARLO GIUSEPPE RIZZELLO is Grade I Professor in Food Microbiology (SSD AGR/16) at Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Environmental Biology) since November 2020. He graduated cum laude in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at University of Bari, where he also did his doctorate in 2006. He was first researcher at University of Bari (2009-2015) and then associate professor of Food Microbiology (SSD AGR/16) at the same University from October 2015 to November 2020. He is author of 148 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, 20 book chapters and 11 patents. He is member of the Board of Professors of the PhD Course in Microbiology, Technology, Chemistry and Food Health at University of Bari and of the Councils of the Degree Courses in Food Science and Technology and Agro-Industrial Biotechnology at Sapienza University of Rome. He is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Food Microbiology and Foods. He is currently engaged as editor and co-editor of the books: "Biotechnology of leavened products from Forno" (Publishing house: Ambrosiana) and "Basic Methods and Protocols on Sourdough" (Springer Nature).


Luisa Mannina - Department of Chemistry and Drug Technologies

LUISA MANNINA is Full Professor of Food Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Drug Technologies, Sapienza University of Rome. In 2018 she won the GIDRM/GIRM gold medal for her studies concerning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Since 2019 she is Coordinator of the International PhD in "Molecular design and characterization for the promotion of health and well-being: from drug to food".  She is Director of the 2nd level Master in "Research, development and management of nutraceutical and cosmetic companies". She is a member of the board of directors of the Italian Society of Food Chemistry (ITACHEMFOOD) and the Italian Society of Food and Nutrition Sciences (SISA). She has been Principal Investigator of research projects concerning the Agri-food sector. She is co-author of more than 190 articles in international and national journals. The research activity of her group is focused on the study of food matrices and biological fluids carried out by means of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methodologies.



Lorenzo Maria Donini - Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale

LORENZO M. DONINI graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Food Science. He serves, as Full Professor, at Sapienza University of Rome. He is Director of the School of Specialization in Food Science and of the CAD of "Gastronomic Sciences for Wellness" of Dietetics. He directs the Research Unit of Food Science and Human Nutrition of the Department of Experimental Medicine. He has coordinated several research projects and is the author of more than 170 extenso papers listed on PubMed and over 40 book chapters related to malnutrition, obesity, nutritional status, collective catering and eating behavior.





Luisa Maria Migneco - Department of Chemistry

LUISA MARIA MIGNECO graduated in Chemistry with a score of 110 cum laude. She won the competition for the PhD in Chemical Sciences (III cycle) with the first position in the ranking carrying out her research activity conducting studies on the synthesis and reactivity of cyclohexanones and substituted decalons. She was technical collaborator graduated until 2001. In the same year, she won the competition for researcher in the SSD CHIM/06, a role currently held. She teaches courses in Organic Chemistry; on 10 December 2015 she awarded by the Dean of the Faculty of Science MFN with the Recognition for Teaching of Excellence. From 12 December 2016 to 1 March 2021, she was President of the Monitoring Committee of the Faculty of Science MFN.


Federico Marini - Department of Chemistry

FEDERICO MARINI is Grade I Professor (CHIM/01) at the Department of Chemistry of Sapienza University of Rome. He graduated in 2000 at Sapienza, where he also received his PhD in 2004. During her PhD, he obtained a three-month Marie Curie fellowship at the National Institute of Chemistry (Ljubljana, Slovenia) under the supervision of Prof. Marjana Novic. After four years of research grant (2004-2008), in 2008 he was hired as a Researcher at Sapienza University, where, from 2018 to 2021, he was associate professor (CHIM/01). In 2006 he was awarded the Young Researcher Award by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society and in 2012 he won the “Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Award". He has been visiting researcher in several universities (Copenhagen, Stellenbosch, Silesia, Lille) and research institutes (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia; Nofima, Norway; Irstea, France). He is author of over 150 articles in international journals and recently edited the book “Chemometrics In Food Chemistry” (Elsevier). He is a member of the Editorial boards of the journals Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Analytica Chimica Acta, J. of Chemometrics, J. of NIR Spectroscopy, J. of Spectral Imaging, and he is Associate Editor for Chemometrics in Wiley's Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry. He is past-coordinator of the divisional chemometrics group of SCI and, currently, vice president of the Italian spectroscopy company NIR and coordinator of the Chemometrics Study Group of EUCheMS.


Anna Laura Capriotti - Department of Chemistry

ANNA LAURA CAPRIOTTI is Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome since 2018, after having been a fixed-term researcher type B (2015-2018) and type A (2011-2015). She is author of 160 publications in international journals (4390 citations; h-index of 37; source: Scopus). She is a referee for several international scientific journals of analytical chemistry and applied chemistry. She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Essential Oil Research (Taylor and Francis Online) and Molecules MDPI and has been Guest Editor for Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2018, Springer), Molecules (2018-, MDPI) and Chromatographia (2019, Springer). Her scientific activity has been recognized by numerous awards and recognitions, both national and international. In 2018 she won the prestigious International EuCheMS Lecture Award 2017. In 2018 she became part of the coveted "The Analytical Scientist Power List 2018, Top 40 Under 40". Other prizes have been awarded by the Italian Chemical Society for the Young Researcher of the Interdivisional Group of Separation Science (2017) and the Young Researcher of the Division of Analytical Chemistry (2015). Finally, the scientific activity produced a plenary lecture by invitation, at the "2nd International Symposium on Bioactive peptides" in Valencia (22-24 May 2018) and five invited keynotes at national and international congresses. She is and has been coordinator or head of units of local, national, and international research projects. Specifically, her research activities are based on omic sciences (proteomics, peptidomics, lipidomics and metabolomics) for the characterization of biological, plant and food matrices using advanced liquid chromatography techniques coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry.


Chiara Cavaliere - Department of Chemistry

CHIARA CAVALIERE is Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome since September 2015. From 2011 to 2015 she was a permanent researcher. From 2009 to 2011 she was a fixed-term researcher with a grant received from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Saudi Arabia), as the winner in 2008 of the "KAUST Research Fellows Program grant competition". She graduated in Chemistry in 2002 with 110/110 at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2003 she spent 11 months at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Stockholm University, with a scholarship abroad funded by Sapienza University of Rome. In May 2007 she obtained a PhD in Analytical Chemistry of Real Systems. She has received, as manager, several funding from Sapienza University of Rome for research projects and for the acquisition of large equipment, as well as having participated in numerous other projects funded by MIUR (PRIN), MIPAF, Italian Space Agency, former ISPESL. She is author of 148 papers published in international scientific journals (4760 citations; h-index 40; source: Scopus). Her research concerns the development of innovative analytical methodologies based on liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for the determination of xenobiotic or endogenous substances present in various matrices such as food, surface water, animal biological tissues and fluids, plant cells and tissues.


Maria Rosa Festa - Department of Chemistry

MARIA ROSA FESTA is Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome since 2000. From the academic year 2001-2002 she is part of the Didactic-Scientific Committee of the Master "Chemical Analysis and Quality Control", and from 2011 to 2018 she also held the position of Director, carrying out lessons, exercises, and coordination activities. From the academic year 2004-2005 to 2019-2020 she is member of the Didactic-Scientific Committee of the Master in Natural Organic Substances. She was part of the Board of Professors of the PhD in "Analytical Chemistry of Real Systems" of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, at Sapienza University of Rome, from its establishment until its confluence to the PhD in Chemical Sciences. In the three-year period 2007-2010 and 2010-2013 she was elected to the board of the Lazio Section of the Italian Chemical Society. Since 2008 and for several years she has been part of the board of auditors for the MIUR for the SSD C01A. She was responsible for the Scientific Degrees Plan (PLS) for Sapienza University of Rome and for the Chemistry sector. From the academic year 2009-2010 she holds the chair of Analytical Chemistry II with Laboratory. She is author of over 80 printed works in international journals and author of scientific texts and monographs, including one dedicated to the most important problems in the analysis of oils and fats.


Cristina Mazzoni - Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Charles Darwin"

CRISTINA MAZZONI is Associate Professor at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology "C. Darwin" (Sapienza University of Rome). At the same university, she graduated in Biological Sciences and obtained the title of Doctor of Evolutionary Biology. She holds several courses, including "Biotechnology of Fermentations" for the Degree Course of Agro-Industrial Biotechnology, "Biotechnology microbial food" for the Master's Degree in Food Science and Technology, "Food chemistry and gastronomic transformations" – Module Chemistry and Biotechnology of Fermentations" for the Degree Course in "Sciences, cultures and gastronomic policies for well-being", and "Biochemical Biotechnologies I" – Module "Microbial biotechnologies:  industrial applications" for the Master's Degree in Biochemistry. She is author of 61 scientific publications (H-index: 21; total citations: 1793; source: Scopus). 




Iolanda Francolini - Dipartimento di Chimica

IOLANDA FRANCOLINI is Associate Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, where she carries out research in the field of macromolecule chemistry and teaching activities in the Master's Degree in Industrial Chemistry. She graduated in Industrial Chemistry cum laude in 2000 and in 2005 she obtained the PhD in Chemical and Industrial Processes at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2001 she carried out research at the Italian National Institute of Health in Rome, in 2003 she was visiting scientist at the Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana (USA) and from 2007 to 2020 she was a researcher at Sapienza University of Rome. She has been a member of the teaching staff of the PhD in Chemical Sciences since 2006. Her research interests are the synthesis of polyurethanes and polyacrylates for biomedical applications, antimicrobial polymers, antioxidant polymers, biopolymers, magnetic nanoparticles, and composite materials. She has been invited speaker at several international conferences and has been Editor of 3 special issues for the International Journal of Molecular Science (IJMS), MDPI. She is currently on the Editorial Board of IJMS (MDPI) and Open Chemistry (DE GRUYTER, Publisher). She is author of 74 scientific publications in international journals, 4 book chapters and over 65 contributions to national and international conferences, with 2029 total citations and H-index 25.



Giuliana Vinci - Dipartimento di Management

GIULIANA VINCI, Full Professor of Commodity Sciences SECS-P/13 at the Department of Management Sapienza University of Rome. Graduated in Biological Sciences at La Sapienza, she carried out a PhD in "Food Products Merchandise (II cycle)" (1986) and obtained a PhD in "Food Merchandise" (1990). She is an expert in chromatographic and spectrophotometric techniques for the determination of bioactive compounds in food and in the application of LCA for the study of sustainability processes. He is a member of the Technical-Scientific Council on the sustainable use of plant protection products (at the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies). He is a member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in "Management, Banking and Commodity Sciences". He is director of the Museum of Merchandise (MuMe). He is President of the Master's Degree Course "Management of Technologies, Innovation and Sustainability". He has coordinated, as scientific responsible, projects funded by public institutions. He is reviewer of numerous international journals and reviewer in the selection of projects of relevant national interest (MIUR-PRIN) and FIRB Projects. Member of the Italian Academy of Commodity Sciences (AISME), she is the author of 300 international and national publications of which 70 are indexed publications Scopus (h-index: 16, source Scopus).



Salvatore Velotto - Università San Raffaele (Roma)

SALVATORE VELOTTO graduated in Food Science and Technology and obtained a PhD in Animal Production Sciences - Biotechnology applied to animal production at the University of Naples Federico II. For over 15 years he has carried out research and teaching activities at the Department of Agriculture of Portici – University of Naples Federico II (SSD VET / 01 Anatomy of Pets). He was professor of the Advanced Course in Collective Catering of the Department of Veterinary Medicine – University of Naples Federico II and at the University of Sannio, for the Degree Course in Biotechnology – (SSD VET / 01). He is enrolled in the register of experts of the MIPAAF - Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests - in the field of research and innovation on the agricultural system. He is a Food Technologist with multidisciplinary skills in the scientific, technological, managerial, legislative fields of the complex system of the food supply chain. He is currently President of the Order of Food Technologists of Campania and Lazio and is author of 50 scientific publications in the food sector, in particular the processing and product technologies of products of animal origin.




Angelo Faberi - ICQRF

ANGELO FABERI is director of the Territorial Office "ICQRF SICILIA" of The Central Inspectorate of Quality Protection and Fraud Repression (assignment D.D. of 17.01.2020 n. 67). From 2004 to 2021 he worked as a Chemical Expert at the ICQRF laboratories in Rome. At the Central Laboratory he was responsible for the revision analysis procedures for the edible oils, organic farming, dairy, and meat products sectors. He graduated in Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome, where he obtained the title of Doctor in Analytical Chemistry of Real Systems. He holds a Master's degree in Food Law from LUISS School of Law, LUISS Guido Carli University. 





Vincenzo Di Martino ICQRF

VINCENZO DI MARTINO is an Officer in charge of the Analytical Sector, at the laboratories of The Central Inspectorate of Quality Protection and Fraud Repression (ICQRF), Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests. He graduated in Chemistry at the University of Bari, he is an expert in the application of analytical techniques such as Mass Spectrometry, IRMS, NMR, ICP MS for food analysis. He is national delegate to the Subcommittee on Methods of Analysis of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) – Paris. He is representative of the Subcommittee “Mosti, Vini, Aceti e derivati” of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests. He is representative of the Subcommittee on “Vegetable Food Preserves and Syrups” of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests. 




Stefania Carpino - ICQRF

STEFANIA CARPINO is Director of the ICQRF Laboratory in Rome (Mipaaf Department). From 2004 to 2018 she was Research Manager, Area Manager of the Dairy Production Laboratory, Head of External Projects Office, in service at the Dairy Chain Research Consortium of Ragusa. She is responsible of numerous scientific projects funded by various institutions (European Union, MIUR, MIPAF, Sicilian Region, Sardinia Region, etc.). She is responsible for the planning, presentation and scientific reporting of institutional projects and referent for institutional and scientific relations with national and international institutions. She is member of the Certification Committee for compliance with the Production Regulations for “Ragusano and Pecorino Siciliano PDO” cheeses. She is internal verifier for the application of the Quality System in testing laboratories (UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025).

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